Sales & Awareness Campaign, Concept Develop


Client: HSB Enterprises
Year: 2021

The Challenge

In the dynamic landscape of fragrance products, the HSB Company faced a typical challenge. Despite offering a range of enticing products such as fragrance spray, attar, and holy sticks, the task at influence was to attraction customers into considering as wholehearted gift fragrance for their loved ones.

The focal challenge lay in the creation of an invitation - direct mailer, tag and a display standee that could articulately communicate the essence of gifting fragrance products, emphasizing the beautiful idea of coming together for this purpose.


To conquer this challenge, a tailored solution was exactly crafted, centered on the very core of gifting fragrances.

The invitation and display standee were adorned with a captivating tagline, seamlessly bridging Marathi and English. In Marathi, it echoed, "निमित्य, एकत्र येण्याच! सुगंधी भेट देण्याच...", a poetic expression translating to "The purpose is to come together and gift fragrance." In English, the tagline succinctly conveyed, "Purpose to come together and gift fragrance product." This tagline, more than a mere statement, became the heartbeat of the campaign, encapsulating the emotional depth of gifting fragrance products.

The visual elements within the campaign were strategically chosen, featuring delicate flowers and charming gift tags. This careful creation aimed to create an aesthetically pleasing and emotionally resonant representation of the act of gifting fragrance products. These visual cues were not mere embellishments but rather deliberate choices to symbolize love and togetherness, transforming the invitation and display standee into a narrative that was both emotionally compelling and visually engaging.

The campaign took a tangible form through pop-up invitations and display standees, adding a layer of novelty and intrigue to the promotional material. This deliberate choice sought to elevate the overall experience for potential customers, fostering a lasting impression that aligned seamlessly with the supreme goal of positioning fragrance products as thoughtful and valued gifts.

Fragrance plays an essential role in enhancing various aspects of human life. Beyond being a delightful sensory experience, fragrances contribute to increased freshness, improved mood, and a positive environment. The right fragrance has the power to elevate energy levels and instill confidence. It has the ability to transform the atmosphere, creating a lasting impact on individuals. Recognizing these transformative qualities, the campaign underscored the importance of gifting fragrance products as a way to bring positive change to the recipient's life.

The client's response to the campaign was nothing short of enthusiastic approval. The simplicity, yet deep impact of the approach in conveying the message of gifting fragrance products, resonated deeply with the client. The inclusion of Marathi, the local language, was highlighted as a masterstroke, adding a personal touch that effortlessly connected with the customer base and established a resonant cultural link.

The visual elements, with a spotlight on the graceful flowers and endearing gift tags, garnered admiration for their elegance. The client expressed satisfaction with the thoughtful design, acknowledging its dual role in appealing aesthetically and communicating the nuanced emotions associated with the fragrances.

Within the tapestry of client feedback laid a resounding affirmation of the campaign's effectiveness. The repetition of the phrase "gift fragrance," woven seamlessly throughout the promotional material, played a pivotal role in reinforcing the core message without overtly stating it. The client's acknowledgment of the campaign's triumph in not only promoting their products but also inspiring customers to express love and care through the gift of fragrances underscored the campaign's resounding success.


HSB invitation _ bee branding
HSB invitation line _ bee branding
HSB Tag 2_ bee branding
HSB invitation standee_ bee branding


Fragrance products into meaningful and cherished gifts were met with a meticulously crafted solution that seamlessly blended impactful language with thoughtful visual elements. The client's positive feedback served as a testament to the campaign's ability to resonate with the audience, inspiring them to perceive HSB's fragrance products not purely as commodities but as purposeful and sentimental gifts. The recurring idea of "gift fragrance," subtly embedded within the narrative, protected the central message, ensuring its resonance throughout the campaign.



Site of the day - Dec, 2019


Site of the day - Dec, 2019