Branding, Campaign

Quick Slim

Client: Quick Slim
Year: 2012

The Challenge

Quick slim is the Laser Lipo center faces the primary challenge of generating awareness and attracting new clients to their facility. In a saturated market with a plethora of health and wellness options, breaking through the noise and establishing a distinctive identity poses a significant hurdle.

It is crucial to showcase the unique advantages of their laser lipolysis procedure, emphasizing its potential for achieving a healthier and slimmer body. The challenge lies in crafting a message and strategy that effectively captures the attention of their target audience and educates them about the transformative benefits of their services.


The challenge of raising awareness and attracting a stream of new clients, we propose a compelling campaign line: "thin to slim, get thin payment to slim fully body."

This succinctly encapsulates the journey the Laser Lipo center offers—guiding individuals from initial weight loss to the attainment of a fully slim body. The strategic focus will be on communicating not just the benefits of laser lipolysis in shedding unwanted fat but also the affordability and convenience of achieving their desired body transformation. By offering flexible payment options, they make their services more accessible, enabling a broader clientele to embark on their path to a healthier, slimmer self.

The campaign's implementation has been overwhelmingly positive. Clients have praised the campaign line for its simplicity and directness, effectively conveying the essence of the laser lipolysis journey. The concept of transitioning from thin to fully slim resonated with them, and the inclusion of flexible payment options further encouraged interest and participation.

Many clients expressed appreciation for the clear communication of the benefits and the opportunity to achieve their desired body goals without financial strain. Overall, the campaign succeeded in not only driving awareness but also in establishing a stronger connection with both existing and potential clients, reaffirming the value and effectiveness of the laser lipolysis services provided by the Laser Lipo center.


Quick Slim concept
Quick Slim Business card
Quick Slim Brochure
Quick Slim-thin to slim
Quick Slim Bus backside ad


Quick Slim, the Laser Lipo center, successfully addressed the challenge of generating awareness and attracting new clients in a saturated health and wellness market. The key hurdle was establishing a distinctive identity and effectively showcasing the unique advantages of their laser lipolysis procedure.

The proposed campaign line, "thin to slim, get thin payment to slim fully body," succinctly encapsulated the trans-formative journey offered by the center. Emphasizing not only the benefits of laser lipolysis but also the affordability and convenience of achieving body transformation through flexible payment options proved to be a strategic focus.



Site of the day - Dec, 2019


Site of the day - Dec, 2019